Availability & Fee's
I feel that a client should be empowered and given the choice to decide for themselves what suits their needs best. With that in mind, I do not offer a client a set number of sessions but instead allow them the flexibility and freedom to choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions and additional sessions if they should need them after our sessions have come to an ending.
If you decided that you would like to continue sessions with me after our initial consultation, we can then discuss the day, time and frequency of sessions that you would prefer.
Free initial consultation
in-person, telephone or online
£60.00 per session
I have a 48 hour cancellation policy. Should you cancel within less than 48 hours' notice agreed, or fail to attend your appointment, the full session fee will be charged.
Concessions offered for
Students £40.00
Trainee counsellors £40.00
I do not charge a fee for the initial consultation as I believe in exploring the issues the client wishes to share and then let them decide if person-centred counselling is the right path for them.
If you are in distress or if you feel you are in need of additional support, you can contact the following services
Breathing Space
For urgent support please call NHS 24 111, 24 Hours a day.
NHSinform.scot/mentalhealth offers support and advice to help you with your mental health.
Free Confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious, or depressed.
0800 83 85 87
Opening hours
Weekdays: Monday-Thursday 6:00pm to 2:00am
Weekends: Friday 6:00pm-Monday 6:00am
You can also visit breathingspace.scot
Samaritans offer 24-Hour emotional support for anyone who needs to talk.
116 123
You can also visit www.samaritans.org
email jo@samaritans.org
You can download ‘The Prevent Suicide ‘ App on Apple App Store, Google Play, Amazon Appstore and Windows Store. To find help with emergency situations, finding local advice and supporting others.